Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Brain Damaging Habits

Brain Damaging Habits in Daily Routine 

Brain is the crown of human body which controls the organs day and night. Some brain damaging habits which can damage this important part of the body. 

brain damaging foods
According to the experts brain is the sensitive and fragile part of the body which can be easily hurt or damaged by our mistakes and actions and can pave the way for a big loss. While some of the day-to-day actions have deep effects on brain. Here are some brain damaging Habits in our daily routine.

Excess Intake of Sugar 

brain damaging foods

A reasonable quantity of sugar is added in drinks, edibles and liquids now a days. While excess use of sugar on daily basis can be harmful for human body which directly effects the human brain.


brain damaging foods

Fresh air is essential for an active and healthy person because our brains needs plenty of oxygen. However, continuous flow of polluted air to human brain can result in many diseases. Along with this the sound pollution is also one of the main factors for metal disturbance of humans. In cities and urban areas where the traffic and other daily routine sounds like machinery and factory equipment which have a big contribution in sound pollution can also effects the brain health.

Over Eating

brain damaging foods

Over-eating is the main cause of stiffness or hardness of veins, increase in weight and produce fats in human body, and thus the brain remains under stress.

Less Speaking

Our brain is like a muscle which shrinks on remaining static. Therefore if a person is remained silent for long then the brain, too, will squeeze or shrink. This shrinking doesn’t mean that the size of brain will get smaller but it means that brain will not work according to its capacity. So, experts suggest moderate speaking is the exercise of brain.


brain damaging foods

Complete sleep is very important for human health because insufficient sleep or sometimes sleeping for long hours can result in many disorders. If you are used to sleep for less than six hours, you should be conscious as for long sleep makes the brain cells dormant. Similarly less amount of sleep can cause problems. This is one of important brain damaging habits.

Lack of Thinking

It is said that thinking opens the human mind and if you don’t think or less think the brain will get squeezed. By the process of thinking views of brain work and they do exercise which is very important for a healthy person. An active brain makes a person dynamic and energetic. Experts says that by the process of thinking a person improves his intellectual level and capability.


brain damaging foods

Breakfast is regarded to be an essential food of daily life. Majority of physicians advise for a complete and healthy breakfast, because of balanced breakfast keep us fit and healthy. Human body needs food after a long night, which if not provided can cause deficiency of sugar in the body.


brain damaging foods

Smoking is a habit which will be disliked by everyone because it seriously damages your health. The biggest and harm of smoking is weakness of nerves system. It also effects the lungs, a smoker inhales the smoke of cigarette in place of oxygen, which directly effects the cardiac system and brain also receives smoke due to these all this is also one of or the biggest brain damaging habit. 

Cover Up of Head during Sleep

brain damaging foods

Most of people are used to cover their heads with pillow while sleeping. In this way the nose is covered up or wrapped and thus inhaling of air is effected or less quantity of oxygen is reached to nose and the brain will get less oxygen and much carbon dioxide which is an unhealthy sign for human body.

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